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More Ways to Give

Six Simple Ways to Leave a Legacy to the Pawleys Island Festival of Music & Art

Wills – an excellent way to provide not only for your loved ones, but also to support the Pawleys Island Festival of Music & Art with a gift of a specific dollar amount.

Life Insurance – one of the simplest ways to make a significant gift in the future – is by naming Pawleys Island Festival of Music & Art as a beneficiary to receive all or a portion of the proceeds of an existing or new policy.

Retirement Plan – offers a variety of tax-advantaged ways to use your IRA/401K or other tax-qualified accounts to gift to the Pawleys Island Festival of Music & Art

Land/Real Estate – Do you own a property you no longer want? Or a piece of land that would make a great permanent home for the Pawleys Island Festival of Music & Art? Make a charitable gift of it to the Festival and you could avoid capital gains and provide tax-favorable income for yourself.

Stock – Appreciated stock that is publicly traded or closely held represents the most common type of noncash gift. Nonprofit organizations prefer gifts of publicly traded stock because it is highly liquid and it has a readily ascertainable fair market value.

Donor Advised Funds – A charitable giving vehicle administered by a public charity created to manage charitable donations on behalf of organizations, families, or individuals. They surrender ownership of anything they put in the fund but retain advisory privileges over how their account is invested, and how it distributes money to charities.

Let us help you create your PIFMA Legacy!

If you are interested in learning more about opportunities for supporting the PIFMA through a planned gift, please reach out to Susan Bryant, [email protected] or call 843-457-9789.

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The Pawleys Island Festival of Music & Art
is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.

Your contributions are tax deductible.

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